Notre-Dame de Paris
Our Lady of Paris
Victor Hugo
The church of Notre-Dame de Paris is still no doubt, a majestic and sublime edifice. But, so beautiful that it has been preserved as it ages, it is difficult not to sigh, not to be indignant at the degradations, the mutilation without number that simultaneously the time and the men have subjected to the venerable monument, without respect for Charlemagne who had laid the first stone, for Philip Augustus who had laid the last. On the face of this old Queen of our cathedrals, beside a wrinkle one always finds a scar. Tempus edax, Homo edacior. What I would gladly translate as well: time is blind, man is stupid.
For us Parisians and commuters, the passage to Paris is often in all banality to go to work, to shop or to go to the cinema. But every time I get guests from the provinces or from abroad, I have the pleasure of offering them a short trip to Paris by night. Due to my geographical location my entry point to the capital is carried out along the Seine by the Quai de Bercy. Passing on the other bank after greeting the statue of Sainte Geneviève patroness of Paris
And there, the South-East façade of Notre-Dame is offered to our vision. For me, this view is the beautiful one and shows all the beauty and grace of this building. My guests remain speechless in front of this marvel. And here you will tell me that I started with the final bouquet but starting with this Gothic jewel I know that I have captured my audience. The visit can proceed…
It’s good to see before burned but can’t help sigh ToT